
Showing posts from November, 2021

What is Customer Success and Why is it Important?

  Business industry has come a long way from being producer centric to being customer centric. Today's market requires you to have a customer centric approach to sustain growth. That is where the customer success process plays a big role. Customer success is a business strategy to ensure optimum satisfaction of customer's desire after using your product or service. It is a way of understanding customer grievances and providing desired solutions.  Reasons W hy C ustomer S uccess is I mportant Listed below are a few reasons why customer success is important to your business. To S ustain G rowth  Customer success is important to achieve long-term growth in business. Happy customer is a key to improved sales outcomes and to ensure their happiness we require an insight into the customer's mind. A well-developed customer success platform can help you get those insights. To I mprove P urchasing D ecisions and R educe C hurn R ate By providing proactive solutions to...